Tuesday 17 January 2012

Roy Lichtenstein

Oct. 27. Roy Fox Lichtenstein is born in Manhattan at Flower Hospital on 64th Street and Eastern Boulevard [now York Avenue], to Milton (1893–1946) and Beatrice (née Werner; 1896–1991).
Roy Lichtenstein was born in New York into an upper-middle-class Jewish New York City[1] family and attended public school until the age of 12. He then enrolled at New York's Franklin School for Boys, remaining there for his secondary education.

I have chosen this image because it is very eye catching and it shows a powerful message towards the audience of a woman crying.

I have chosen this image because it has a lot of detail in this image and the word wham shows the noise in this image.

I have chosen this image because it show a mystery of who she is aiming for and the colours are eye catching.

I have chosen this image because it is eye catching and i like the way one side of the woman's face is black and the other side is white.
This shows that there may be to sides to her story.

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